Contributed to build the middleware tier for corporate services, performed code reviews, led daily scrum meetings and helped QA team to identify bugs.
Designed and implemented the backend services for customer portal. Developed and deployed ETL scripts to dump transaction data into data Warehouse. Refactored frontend code to ease automated unit tests.
Redesigned frontend applications. Migrated backend services from PHP to Springboot.
Performed as scrum master & solution architect in a team that deployed SAP's Omnichannel Point of Sale solution (
Led the engineering team that created an extension for Google Chrome which collects users navigation pattern in clients' websites. Zoovu uses this information to deliver engaging conversational experiences that guide, personalize and deliver the right product every time.
Designed user acceptance tests that helped QA team to ensure that the new customer checkout system implemented by contractors met acceptance criteria
Coded data migration scripts that pumped data from Lotus Domino into relational databases which is subsequently updated via RESTFul services implemented with bare-bones Servlet API. Those scripts were part of a broader project to help company clients to escape from Lotus Domino grip
Helped continuous integration and back-end development teams on migrating code repositories from Team Foundation Version Control to Bitbucket. This migration boosted the adoption of IDEs and programming languages available in the open source realm.
Developed Java enterprise applications (Websphere, IBM Portal & Connections) for company customers. These applications demanded polished user interfaces and reusable RESTful APIs which improved user experience and delivered reusable services
Coded content analyzer that sought text patterns in chat logs and web pages in order to prevent phishing and deceitful advertising. Those functions became part of Optenet's security appliances.
Designed and implemented IT infrastructure required by back office systems (billing, HR, ERP) and provided training and support to end users.