- Responsible for implementing and maintaining a complex API structure, connected to Elasticsearch and MongoDB, storing, processing and retrieving information about software installations, cyber security and incident response. - Member of the team responsible for a native client on linux and windows which allowed users to manage applications or code across hybrid multi-cloud, servers or workstations. - I developed dashboards with dynamic and flexible charts and tables, allowing users to visualize their telemetry, security routines and applications progress across their networks.
-Member of the team that successfully implemented and deployed the PIX System (Instant Payments). -Member of the team responsible for building the cryptocurrency exchange from the ground up, directly integrated with Nasdaq stock market.
- Member of the team responsible for building a social network for financial investors, with investment simulators, tournaments and news channels. Network was built as a graph using Microsoft's sql server graph database and used messaging to connect all our microservices using RabbitMq and APIs were built on .net core and nodejs.
- Responsible for maintaining and upgrading multiple projects such as budget systems and registration platforms. - I developed a managing system used for planning and construction, monitoring quality control, budgets and time management.
- Responsable for working on projects that required cutting edge custom built technologies. - Member of the team responsible for the development of a credit card taxes and plans management system. - Part of the team responsible for the development and maintenance of hospital systems, where we replaced the hospital's primary information legacy system. - Responsible for preparing periodic reports on all carried out activities, assessing the project's progress and creating a challenges/solutions database.