I started in the company with WordPress support to all 3 blogs and developed an astral map generator system, after that I joined the team that developed an application that offers chat based on holistic therapy consultation, main stacks used for this were ReactJs/Next in frontend and Laravel as backend, and now we are replacing features of the old code using web-components in VueJs one by one. Database is mainly Postgres.
I work as the developer in a NFT game project, which is related to a ambiental token I was hired to build a NFT game backend, later I started to learn more about blockchain and created some smart contracts and developed the game dashboard frontend. The backend developed in NodeJS, frontend ReactJs + Web3 and the contracts in Solidity. Database is MySQL.
I developed an application that manages import and export customs services and processes using PHP Yii framework and MySQL and later replaced by a React/Node version.
Worked as developer on a sales management platform for import companies
I have created a PHPBB plugin to rate service satisfaction level and give support to the server, there was constant improvement of the toll over the years.
Worked as a trainee on a offshore solutions software development.